Benefits of Virtual Workshops and Seminars

Webinar marketing is a more impactful and target online marketing strategy than other broad initiatives

Training workshops are paid in-depth courses that emulate a classroom experience and focus on communicating core learning objectives.

VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS AND TRAINING are globally accessible for remote learning

These events heavily utilize the interactive features that Webcast Experts℠ has available in order to build a dynamic and informative setting for a geographically dispersed classroom.  

Webcast Experts℠ offers course completion certificates to its attendees which can be submitted to professional organizations for Professional Development Hours.



Want us to evaluate your virtual workshop? Submit your abstract today!


OUR APPROACH to marketing & producing Energy Industry Virtual Workshops

Our team thoroughly reviews all abstracts submitted in order to identify the most relevant and educationally valuable topics that address issues facing the energy and power generation industries today. Upon acceptance, Webcast Experts℠ will notify the instructor and request a fully developed outline of the workshop agenda.

We promote the virtual workshop webinar event using Email, Social Media sites like LinkedIn and twitter

PHASE ONE:  Marketing

Custom branded registration page and audience console

Multiple email invitation campaigns to target customers within our proprietary energy industry network (HTML & Text)

Social Media Marketing

Design automated registration confirmation emails & reminders for registered attendees including client contact information and downloadable Outlook reminders

Before the live event we conduct dry runs with the professor to make sure all elements of the workshop run smoothly

PHASE TWO: Preparation

Practice dry-run of the presentation to familiarize instructor with the webinar platform, timing, and presentation material

Establish Question & Answer Protocol

Determine if a third party introduction is required, develop brief introduction statement

Finalize workshop presentation & upload the final course presentation

We give real time support to the clients that can help them to carry out the webcast effectively & provide post-event reports

PHASE THREE:  Execution & Follow-Up

Launch the event & monitor all audience interaction and technical aspects of the workshop

Introduce presenter and begin workshop

Monitor timing to ensure course will finish in the appropriate time frame

Automatic follow up with attendees/registrants via email after the webinar with a link to access the on-demand recording of the event

Provide all registrants appropriate contact details where they can follow up regarding the information presented and dates/times of any future workshops that are planned